Side By Side

Circus Saturdays 

Saturday 13th, 20th, 27th January, 3rd, 10th, and 17th February 2018

10:30 – 12 noon

Skylight Circus Arts invites you to Side by Side Circus Saturday Sessions.  An opportunity for children, young people, siblings and parents to learn and celebrate together, from juggling to diabolo, plate spinning to unicycle. Fancy hanging upside down on a trapeze or wobbling on a one wheeled unicycle, lots of circus  activities and challenges but most of all fun. For children 4-19 years and their parents/carers/siblings. Side by Side Circus is a targeted project aimed at supporting young people who are experiencing anxiety, worry, trauma or are feeling, stressed and upset.

For enquirers or to book please contact the office on 01706 650676