BGT Star with Silver Circus!

A star guest tutor dropped in on zoom this week! Steve Royle shot to fame coming 3rd in Britain’s Got Talent 2020.  He’s also known as ‘that juggler in Phoenix Nights Live at Manchester Arena!’  The talented Comedian, Radio Presenter, Actor, Panto performer and Dad shared some skills with Silver Circus. 

“I first met Steve in 1989 at our first open circus session in Oulderhill School,  Steve was a performing arts student and then got a job at Granada Studios.  It was great to see him live on our zoom channel, we had a lot of laughs!  We did a funny face warm up, mime skills and even made a tea towel chicken” Jim Riley

“A huge thank you to Henry Smith Community Match Challenge fund for helping us to continue our work through lockdown.  Thanks for the smiles Steve!” Martine Bradford 

silver circus juggling in mr kite


If you would like any more information about Skylight’s work please call or email our Creative Director Martine on 01706 650676 /

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